root@Produktiv-Server:/var/www/kivitendo-prod# grep -rnw "quotation ="
grep: .git/objects/pack/pack-1da1cfaeabf19ee2715687d78e8f2c9c6cf1cdd8.pack: Übereinstimmungen in Binärdatei
sql/Pg-upgrade2/order_type.sql:17: WHERE customer_id IS NOT NULL and (quotation = FALSE or quotation is null) and intake = FALSE;
sql/Pg-upgrade2/order_type.sql:19: WHERE vendor_id IS NOT NULL and (quotation = FALSE or quotation is null) and intake = FALSE;
sql/Pg-upgrade2/order_type.sql:22: WHERE customer_id IS NOT NULL and quotation = TRUE and intake = FALSE;
sql/Pg-upgrade2/order_type.sql:24: WHERE vendor_id IS NOT NULL and quotation = TRUE and intake = FALSE;
sql/Pg-upgrade2/order_type.sql:27: WHERE customer_id IS NOT NULL and (quotation = FALSE or quotation is null) and intake = TRUE;
sql/Pg-upgrade2/order_type.sql:29: WHERE vendor_id IS NOT NULL and quotation = TRUE and intake = TRUE;
SL/ $where = "quotation = '0'";
SL/ $where = "quotation = '1'";
SL/Controller/ sales_order => [ "SL::DB::Order", [ sales => 1, quotation => 0 ] ],
SL/Controller/ sales_quotation => [ "SL::DB::Order", [ sales => 1, quotation => 1 ] ],
SL/Controller/ purchase_order => [ "SL::DB::Order", [ sales => 0, quotation => 1 ] ],
SL/ my $quotation = $form->{type} =~ /_order$/ ? 'f' : 't';
SL/ delivered = ?, proforma = ?, quotation = ?, department_id = ?, language_id = ?,
SL/ my $quotation = SL::DB::Manager::Order->get_first(
Ich sehe die folgende Stelle im Code auf nah zu SL/
if ($self->{type} =~ /delivery_order/) {
$arap = 'delivery_orders';
delete $column_map{"cu.currency"};
} elsif ($self->{type} =~ /_order/) {
$arap = 'oe';
$where = "quotation = '0'";
} elsif ($self->{type} =~ /_quotation/) {
$arap = 'oe';
$where = "quotation = '1'";
} elsif ($table eq 'customer') {
$arap = 'ar';
} else {
$arap = 'ap';
$where = "($where) AND" if ($where);
my $query = qq|SELECT MAX(id) FROM $arap
WHERE $where ${table}_id > 0|;
Scheint so zu sein, dass im Falle vom Angebot das System oe.quotation in WHERE verwenden soll, das ist in 3.9.0. Wobei mir fehlt hier " AND customer" aus dem Fehlertext.